Our Vision

to uplift humanity by transforming lives through  benevolent philanthropic programs to heal people's hearts, minds and spirits restoring their dignity in life and to rebuild vibrant harmonious communities, spread knowledge and information to expand conscious awareness of our true nature and relationship with their Creator to create a better world that is in harmony with all life, including Gaia, Mother Earth which supports us.


Our Promise

To fulfill our Creator's Promise for humanity to experience an exciting new global paradigm characterized by cooperation, harmony, and love rather than competition, conflict, and fear, where freedom, prosperity, and happiness abound, resulting in a world filled with kindness, cooperation, consideration, generosity and compassion. A restoration to the Garden of Eden. 

Welcome to The Good Promise Foundation CLOUD base of information and knowledge. This website serves both our Human Angels who are actively working against tyranny and oppression, as well as, awakening Human Souls worldwide that are focused on "the bigger picture" to "Heal all Souls of the World" through being of service to Humanity.


All of us here, are fulfilling our highest Soul purpose, to promote love, peace, unity and a much higher consciousness supportive reality, It is our mission to facilitate the evolution of Humanity through efficient, effective and dynamic global philanthropic humanitarian programs/projects, supported by information, knowledge and resources that can be gained by accessing this portal.


For those Human Souls who desire to serve Humanity selflessly, Good Promise provides a unique opportunity to join a network of humanitarians who are ready, willing and able to serve the greater good by embracing principles and ways of being that create highly beneficial outcomes for all.


Together we can create a river of sustained economic mercy that flows down to Humanity, without hesitation and without limitation. Good Promise has designed its systems to safely, effectively and professionally deliver relief to wherever and whomever the need exists--any time of day or night, in any amount needed to permanently resolve extreme poverty and unjust inequality. Once the stress of survival is removed, then Good Promise works with local Communities on their long-term goals to build/rebuild infrastructure such as clean water and sewerage facilities, other utilities such as electrical generation and distribution, schools and other education facilities, agricultural areas, residential living areas, business and other commercial areas for trade and commerce, and finally transportation, communication and media sources as well. No soul shall ever be without food, water, and shelter in a clean and safe environment.